Remarkable Images
Workshops & Fieldtrips
Digital Photo 201 - Mastering the RAW format for BEST imagery

Our 16th Year teaching workshops at Stewart Hall!
Starts: Tuesday - April 9, 2024 from 7:30pm to 10pm
12 1/2 hours over 5 nights
Pointe Claire Cultural Centre - Stewart Hall
176 chemin Bord-du-Lac / Lakeshore Road
Pointe Claire
Register now to secure your spot!

Compared to JPEG mode, the superior RAW format is the BEST capture mode for maximum high-quality images, exposure control, recovery of shadow detail and many other features! In this workshop, learn how to effectively shoot in RAW for ethereal landscapes, engaging portraiture, sharp bird photography, long-exposure night imagery, fantastic panoramas and more.
Take creative control using Manual mode, selective focus, different lenses and apertures, and mixing ambient light with flash fill for SFX - special effects! Learn the latest processing techniques with Adobe Photoshop Elements, Photoshop CC and/or Lightroom Classic.
Four unique assignments with helpful critiques and a Q&A session, will improve your technique and enhance your skills!
Dates: Tuesday April 9, 16, 23, 30 and May 7, 2024
12 1/2 hours over 5 evenings - from 7:30pm till 10pm at Stewart Hall
Skill level: Intermediate.
Suggested prerequisite: Digital Photo 101 or 102
For DSLR and mirrorless cameras with RAW mode.
(I will show you how to set it up!)
Mostly in English, with questions answered in English and French.
Bring your camera and operating manual.
Maximum class size: 10
Course Outline:
- The RAW format: What it is and how to use it.
- Metering: When & how to use Matrix/Evaluative, Center Weight and Spot modes
- Focusing: When to use Single Shot, Dynamic Tracking or 3D modes
- How to use in-camera bracketing for best exposure & HDR imagery
- Mastering Manual mode for sunsets, night imagery, silhouettes and more
- How to create dreamy landscapes & feathery waterfalls with polarizers and Neutral Density (ND) filters
- How to create BIG, stunning, multiple-image panoramic images
Adobe Photoshop and/or Lightroom basics:
- How to use the Adobe RAW converter to adjust the Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Clarity, Vibrance, and more
- Noise reduction tips for high ISO images
- Cropping methods to create stronger images
- How to effectively use the Dodge, Burn, Clone and Healing tools
- Using Levels and Curves to improve an image
- How to stitch multiple photos to create breathtaking panoramic images
- Adding multiple borders and type to enhance your images
- Resizing and sharpening techniques - for printing, email, or social media
Workshop information and assignments will be emailed to participants after each class for at-home reading and practice.
Four unique photo assignments with easy-to-follow instructions, will help you practice techniques learned in class. Workshop assignments will be projected onto the BIG screen and evaluated to provide helpful suggestions and critiques of your photo projects.
The cost for this special 5-night workshop is just $98.00 (taxes included)
Register now to secure your spot!
Register online at:
At the top left of the page, select your Language: English or French
Next, go to Step 1: Search For Activities / Étape 1: Recherchez vos activités
In the search box, type: Photo 201
Proceed to register and pay.
You may also register by phone, or pay in person at the Stewart Hall Cultural Centre office at
176 chemin Bord-du-Lac/Lakeshore Road, Pointe Claire from:
Monday to Thursday - 8:30am to 8pm
Friday - 8:30am to 4:30pm
Saturday - 9:30am to 5:00pm
Sunday - 1pm to 5pm
For more information, please call:
Not to be missed!